What To Pack: Day at the Beach

Going to the beach is something alot of people tend to do in the summertime. Just a few days ago, I went to the beach with the youth group from my church. The weather was great, the water was beautiful, and memories were made. We had a pretty great time. I hadn’t been to the beach in a while and I wanted to make sure I was completely prepared so, I made a list. I thought I would share it with you just in case you go to the beach this summer, and need ideas/suggestions/tips on what to take. Here is what I had on my list.

Beach Check List: 

  • iPod, plus charger and headphones
  • a water bottle {Unless you’re going with a group like I did, then I would recommend bring a cooler with water and other stuff}
  • Sunscreen {And lots of it, especially if you burn easily like me. At least SPF 30 or higher. NOTE: Reapply every once in a while.. this is where I went wrong and learned the hard way.}
  • ^ You can also take sun tan lotion {I took both, just in case.}
  • Sunglasses
  • Beach towel(s) {I took two. One to sit on, one to dry off with.}
  • Chair(s)
  • Umbrella, or something like it {We took a canopy. So much shade!}
  • Flip-flops {I took two pairs of flip-flops. Not really sure why, I just like being prepared.}
  • Hair brush
  • Book {In case you feel like reading, of course.}
  • Snacks 
  • Extra clothes {If you need them. I did.}
  • Hair ties, clips, headbands, makeup remover, etc. {If you’re planning on wearing makeup to the beach, I suggest only wearing a little bit. What I did: I used sunscreen instead of foundation because your skin absorbs whatever you put on it. For my eyes, I just used liquid eyeliner on top (should’ve gotten waterproof), some pencil eyeliner for the bottom, waterproof mascara, and a lipstick with SPF 15. I would avoid using eyeshadow.}
  • Aloe vera gel, or a lotion that contains aloe vera {If you get sunburned.. you’ll thank me for putting this on here later.}

Well, there you have it. This was pretty much all I took and I was good all day.

Hope this helps! 🙂

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