Why Going To Church Is Important

Just like your relationship with your friends and family takes work, so does your relationship with Jesus. Physically, we are constantly growing and maturing. Spiritually, we should be doing the same thing. Growing spiritually and obtaining a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, requires a continuous effort. We need to consistently seek and pursue Him. Going to church is part of that. “And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another… (Hebrews 10:25 NLT)” The purpose of the church includes reaching, teaching, worship, communion, prayer, and building each other up. It’s always good to have people you can learn with, grow with, and lean on when the tough times come around. Who better than the people of the church? Church isn’t a building you can go to, it’s a family you can belong to. There are plenty of reasons you could choose to not go to church. But God honors the decision you make to go to church in the midst of all of that. Don’t let the enemy win by keeping you from experiencing everything God has for you. Don’t just go to church when you have time — make time. You won’t regret it. 🙂

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