15 Facts About Me You Probably Didn’t Know

Just because I haven’t posted on my blog in a while, and I feel like doing something fun, here are 15 Facts About Me You Probably Didn’t Know.

1. I have an appreciation for almost every genre of music. There’s rarely a time where I don’t like a song or type of music.

2. Organization is one of my favorite things.. ever. I love having things organized. School stuff, my bedroom, everything. Alphabetical order, color-coated, and where it should be. “Organization isn’t about perfection; it’s about efficiency, reducing stress and clutter, saving time and money, and improving your overall quality of life.” – Christina Scalise

3. I like decorating/redecorating. I think my room looks the same for about 2 weeks and then I change it. Whether it’s moving something out of it and putting it in the closet, moving furniture around, or adding something new.

4. Patience is not one of my strongest areas. I’m not a very patient person, but I’m working on it. 😛

5. I don’t like asking for help. If someone offers, I don’t mind them helping. I just don’t like asking for help. I’m not really sure why. I just like being able to do things by myself so I don’t have to depend on someone else.

6. I love encouraging people. I love sending my friends texts in the morning saying that I hope they have a great day and stuff like that. My friends mean the world to me, and I make sure that they know that.

7. If you need me, I’m there. Whenever anyone needs someone to talk to, I love being the first person they talk to. I love helping people with problems that they’re having, giving them advice, or just listening.

8. I love Disney. I can’t even explain to you how much I love Disney. I love watching Disney movies, I love Disney princesses, I love Disney songs… I could go on all day.

9. Church is my absolute favorite place to be. I look forward to Sunday mornings all week. I could also go on all day about why I love church.

10. I have an obsession with makeup. I’ve mentioned it before but I love makeup. There’s so much you can do with it! Different looks, different products, different brands, different colors, etc. And it’s fun!

11. I loooove coloring. I have a few coloring books but I want more. I love that you can color things exactly the way they’re supposed to be, or you can change it up and make it completely different. 😛

12. The sky fascinates me. From the color changes that come with the sunrise, to how blue it is during the day along with the various shapes and patterns of the clouds, all the way down to the darkness of nighttime with the subtle glowing of the stars. So if you catch me staring at the sky, you now know why.

13. Winter is my favorite season. Winter and fall are my favorites actually. I love cold weather. And winter includes my favorite holiday.. Christmas!

14. I’m not a morning person. Unless it’s Sunday morning! ❤ But usually, I love nighttime.

15. I love social media and texting. I love being able to connect with friends and family when I’m not able to physically be with them.

Well there you go, 15 facts about me! Hope you liked them! 🙂

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