10 Ways To Start The New Year Right

I don’t know about you, but I love coming up to the beginning of a new year! So in honor of the new year, here are some ways you go into this year– fresh, organized, and ready to go!

  1. Get organized. Sounds simple enough, right? (“A place for everything and everything in its place.” – Benjamin Franklin) I can honestly say, this is my favorite part. I love being organized. It makes life so much easier. Suggestions: Get a calendar and add events to it as they pop up so you never forget; put together a binder than contains everything you need (I’ll post a blog about how I have my binder organized sometime.); get rid of files, papers, and whatever you no longer need; etc.
  2. 365 Day Devotional. Nothing beats kick-starting your day with breakfast and a good book. And what better book than the Bible. 😉 Plus, there are plenty of fabulous 365 Day Devotional books out there. (Jesus Calling is a great one.)
  3. Set goals and keep track of them. Make goals and check them off once you’ve accomplished them. I love crossing my goals off of a list!
  4. Clean. I know a lot of people don’t like cleaning, but I personally enjoy it. Most of the time. I looooove walking into my bedroom when it’s all clean and everything is put away. (Listening to music makes it less of a hassle.) I’m more calm and relaxed when everything is out of the way and I can actually walk around my room. Cleaning is a necessity to living a stress-free life… at least for me. 😛
  5. Start over. What better time than the beginning of a new year, to change things up. Don’t let anything that happened last year define who you are. Start over.
  6. Keep your focus on the things in front of you. Look forward to all of the things this year will have to offer. The opportunities, the memories you’ll make, the people you’ll meet, etc. Don’t look back!
  7. Keep going. Along with the great things this year will bring, unfortunately I can almost promise you that there will be bumps in the road. But you know what? That’s okay. Just remember that God is always there and that nothing formed against you will ever prosper. (Such an important thing to remember.)
  8. New haircut. This definitely isn’t necessary but sometimes it’s a good idea. Going into the new year with a new look is always nice.
  9. Be adventurous. Don’t be afraid to try new things! Change is a good thing sometimes.
  10. Healthy living. Exercise, eat healthy foods, etc. You’ll feel great and you’ll thank yourself for it later!

Now let’s step into the new year– organized, prepared, equipped, empowered, and victorious! 😉

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